
Plan your seamless transfer from bbin信誉网站 using the many 规划指南 we have with four-year colleges and universities. 这些协议 & 特殊的程序 tab includes guaranteed and dual admission programs, special scholarships and more.

Have you chosen your major but don’t know where to transfer? 考虑下面的指南,并了解更多关于您的选择 探索高校 & 大学. 你也可以用……开始你的学习 样本转移计划 当你决定去哪里转车时.

BHC career students also may consider transferring. 我们在 从职业项目转学.


主要 : Click to view a guide or a college’s major planning page. While there isn’t a Planning Guide for every possible major, 您可以查看我们转学合作伙伴提供的所有专业(点击学校名称) 大学/学院列). 然后和你的导师一起制定一个可以遵循的教育计划.

在线完成可用栏:“X”表示该专业转学后可在线完成. Many of these majors are also taught face-to-face. 有关选择在线转学课程的指导,请参阅 在线学位指南(PDF).

协议 & 特殊的程序

协议和特别项目: Click on “View info” for basic benefits and qualifications, then open the program link for how to participate!

我们的转学合作伙伴提供了许多额外的奖学金机会,所以一定要来参观 探索高校也.

大学/学院列: 点击学校名称进入转学录取网站.

NOTE:  bbin信誉网站 presents the information above as a service for our students and every effort is made to keep current. 学生 should confirm program availability, benefits and requirements with the transfer school.